Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Launching windows 2016 EC2 instance in AWS default VPC


In this video tutorial you would see how to create a windows 2016 instance in AWS default VPC and then how to connect to it using remote desktop.

The architectural diagram is as follows. 

1) Please read the disclaimer at the end of this article. 

2) Assuming that you are aware of VPC and sub nets creation and this demonstration takes place in availability zone B of default VPC.

Watch out this video in zoom out mode or in youtube and relate it with the steps explained underneath it.

Launching windows 2016 EC2 instance in AWS default VPC

1) Login and navigate to EC2 dashboard

2) Click on "Launch Instance".

Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Base - ami-ac3370c3

Step 2: Choose an Instance Type

Step 3: Configure Instance Details
Network: Default VPC
subnet: Default subnet B | ap-south-1b
NOTE: network and subnet names are given while creating VPC and subnets.

Step 4: Add Storage
Size=30, Volume Type = Magnetic

Step 5: Step 5: Add Tags
Key=Name, Value=windows2016

Step 6: Configure Security Group
Select an existing security group
Group ID= sg-f579229d
Group Name=default

Step 7: Review Instance Launch
click on Launch

  Ø  Create a new key-pair i.e., download a new pem file which will be later used to generate        windows admin password.

  Ø  Select the instance created (give name = windows 2016) and click on "actions" button       and then click on "Get Windows Password".

  Ø  Use the downloaded .pem file for "key pair path" and click on "Decrypt Password".

  Ø  You will see below information and keep password safely. (do not share it with anybody)

         Public DNS
         User name      Administrator
         Password        F88ZeRDB?aMEr@lKALYtjVHQTN76RfsJ

  Ø  Now , select the instance from the list and then click on "connect" button to download .rdp  file.

  Ø  Click on this .rdp file and use the the password created in previous step to login to the  server.

  Ø  Once you see authenticated into it,  do a quick check by opening power shell and type "ipconfig" and make note of IPv4 address and match it with the private IP from the AWS management console of instance.

This is how you can create an AWS windows 2016 free tier instance in default VPC.

I hope it helps someone.!

Disclaimer: This article is strictly not a production ready one instead an experiment on AWS. It is to be used for educational purposes only, therefore following this approach may not suitable or work in your environment and the author or reviewers are not responsible for correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. 

Monday, 27 November 2017

Launch ubuntu EC2 instance in AWS custom VPC of public subnet

In this video tutorial you can learn how to lunch ubuntu instance in AWS custom VPC of public subnet and then how to connect to it using PuTTy tool.

Launch ubuntu EC2 instance in AWS custom VPC of public subnet

(Watch it in youtube or zoom out here)

(Click on image to get best view of content)

1) Login and navigate to EC2 dashboard

2) Click on "Launch Instance".

Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-bc0d40d3

Step 2: Choose an Instance Type

Step 3: Configure Instance Details
Network : MyFirstPublicVPC
subnet : MyFirstPublicSubnet | ap-south-1a

Step 4: Add Storage
Size=8, Volume Type = Magnetic

Step 5: Step 5: Add Tags
Key=Name, Value=Ubuntu

Step 6: Configure Security Group
Create a new security group
Group Name = MyFirstSecutiryGroup
Source = My IP


Step 7: Review Instance Launch
click on Launch

Watch video tutorial for the above steps here.

Thank you.!

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Amazon VPC with a single public subnet

In this video tutorial you will learn how to create a AWS custom VPC with a single public subnet

VPC with a Single Public Subnet

(Watch it in youtube or zoom out here)

(Click on image to get best view of architecture design)

1) Open the Amazon VPC console at

2) In the dashboard, choose Start VPC Wizard.

3) Select the first option, VPC with a Single Public Subnet, and then choose Select.

4) Give VPC name=MyFirstVPCWithPublicSubnet and
          Subnet name=MyFirstPublicSubnet

Specify own IPv4 CIDR block range for the VPC and subnet, for this example let's leave the default values and respectively as shown in below image and click on "Create VPC"

5) Observe
Subnets, Route Tables, Internet Gateways.

Watch the steps in youtube tutorial at : Click me
