Monday, 27 November 2017

Launch ubuntu EC2 instance in AWS custom VPC of public subnet

In this video tutorial you can learn how to lunch ubuntu instance in AWS custom VPC of public subnet and then how to connect to it using PuTTy tool.

Launch ubuntu EC2 instance in AWS custom VPC of public subnet

(Watch it in youtube or zoom out here)

(Click on image to get best view of content)

1) Login and navigate to EC2 dashboard

2) Click on "Launch Instance".

Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-bc0d40d3

Step 2: Choose an Instance Type

Step 3: Configure Instance Details
Network : MyFirstPublicVPC
subnet : MyFirstPublicSubnet | ap-south-1a

Step 4: Add Storage
Size=8, Volume Type = Magnetic

Step 5: Step 5: Add Tags
Key=Name, Value=Ubuntu

Step 6: Configure Security Group
Create a new security group
Group Name = MyFirstSecutiryGroup
Source = My IP


Step 7: Review Instance Launch
click on Launch

Watch video tutorial for the above steps here.

Thank you.!


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